Monday, February 21, 2011

Acts 17 - finding God

"so that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us." (Acts 17:27)

As I read this chapter again today and particularly this verse, I am reminded of my student who I visited yesterday and was really dying to preach to him and his family!

He is already reading the bible and going to church because of his second aunt who is a Christian. However, our church is SO NEAR to his place! I can't believe how I have been passing by his place everytime I go to church. How I have the grace of going to the house of God, while this dear boy is at home taking care of the family.

His mother also feels sorry for him. From a young age, he has to face the stress of the family being poor. He also faces the stress of taking care of the house, because his mother is often sick and he still has a younger brother to look after. Furthermore, I was only just told of his eye problem, which he does not want anyone to know, so I am not to mention about it.

Despite all these, he did not grumble, he did not murmur. He only cries in a corner, because he does not want his mother to worry. And he often comforts his mother! He is also positive, and very eager to learn new things and be better.

God has put him and his family at this certain place and time, and allowed me to cross their paths. Doesn't this mean something?

I can feel them groping for Him, seeking Him, though not explicitly; but I am sure they are hoping for something to .... deliver them.

Even if they are not (for they give me the impression that they live by the day and they are happy), they deserve more, don't they? They deserve the love of God. If I, as ugly and horrible as I am, can enjoy the love of God, don't they deserve too, or even more? Don't they deserve to be under Your wings?

He is really not far from each one of us. I believe God sees and God knows. It is just up to me to be sensitive to the call of Jesus to be that bridge, to bring them before God.

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