Some therefore cried one thing and some another, for the assembly was confused, and most of them did not know why they had come together. (Acts 19:32)
I never like crowds.
When a big group of people come together, it is very easy for things to go out of control. And when things go out of control, scary things happen.
Like, a stampede. A fight. Or a riot.
This mob here is scary. Most of the people did not even know why they had come together! They were just led and swept along, and they followed along. Almost like demon-possessed. If one was to ask him what led him to do all these things, he would probably not remember much, and just said, "I don't know..."
The group has a power to make individuals submit. We call this the group psychology.
I never like crowds.
I don't want to be led to do something crazy, something which I never wanted to do in my sane mind.
"Therefore, since these things cannot be denied, you ought to be quiet and do nothing rashly." (Acts 19:36)
I like these words. Very wise.
There had been times when I ought to be quiet, since "these things cannot be denied", yet I had done things rashly.
The city clerk is right. Even if we feel that we are the victim, and we demand some kind of compensation, we should not go about creating a hoo-ha about it. Because these things cannot be denied anyway. Even if men can deny them, God knows. These things cannot be denied before God.
"Therefore,.... you ought to be quiet and do nothing rashly."
It is not easy.
It would require us to always fix our eyes on Jesus.
"The group has a power to make individuals submit. We call this the group psychology."
Today as I was recalling my observations of my kindergarten praticum, I realised that this disposition starts from a young age. Now I see how the individual sucuumbs to such a disposition, how as one child does one thing, the others do likewise. I guess I have always known it is hard to step out, to be different, but to witness it at the beginnings of a child growing, it makes me wonder about courage.
If I do not have the courage to stand up for my faith, to say the things that I ought to say or do the things that I ought to do, how will I teach of courage? It makes me wonder about two characteristics of a Christian: courage and can I nurture them?
"Therefore, ought to be quiet and do nothing rashly"...
thank you for highlighting this verse-words of wisdom to consider today.
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