Thursday, January 27, 2011

Acts 3 - giving our all

"Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you." (Acts 3:6)

These are the words of Peter to the lame man who sat at the Beautiful gate of the temple.

I always feel that I have nothing. Nothing to give away generously, nothing to offer up as sacrifices, nothing that others would want. I am not wealthy; I am not particularly talented in any ways; I do not think I have the qualities that would make me popular among friends. In short, I feel that I have nothing to offer.

It does sound like I am suffering from a low self-esteem here, and I agree that to a certain extent, yes. I am still struggling with that.

However, Peter's words sent a good reminder of what we are called to do, regardless the level of our self-esteem. He said, "Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you."

Yes, we may not be specially blessed with riches or talents, but everyone of us has something to offer.

This reminded me of a conversation I just had with my colleagues. They are new at work and are still not sure how to go about doing a certain work. So I courageously offered to send them my last year's copies to them. But I specifically stressed that 'it may not be the best example, or the standard, but you guys can just take them as references'. Honestly, I am always apprehensive to share stuffs like this, not because I am stingy, but because I would think that mine's too lousy. Or perhaps it is kinda like pride, cos I don't want people to critizise my work as bad.

But today, as I read Peter's words, I am glad to have offered whatever I have to my new colleagues.

I might not have gold, I might not have silver; but what I do have I give freely. I think God is most pleased with this. That we offer up whatever we have.

Like the widow's two mites (Mark 12:43-44).

Sometimes, even to the extent of all that we are and have.

Like Paul's "to spend and be spent" for the souls of men (2 Corinthians 12:15).

Peter and the apostles had nothing, but they had the testimony of the Christ and the Word that saves to offer. Today, as members of the true church, even as we claim that we have nothing to give, we do still have one thing - the truth. Have we thus given them to the people around us?

Freely received, have we freely give?

"Or why look so intently at us, as though by our own power or godliness we had made this man walk?" (Acts 3:12)

I like these words of Peter. After we have achieved "success" in our work, do we give all glory unto God, or do we claim some for our own, to feed our pride?

Actually, the truth is that we are really nothing. Remember? We are only dust. But yet, God gives us something - at the very least, we have the wonderful Word of truth. So when we give away or offer up this something and had done well, we must remember that it is because God is willing to use us, earthern vessels, for His glory.

Nothing by ourselves, but everything through Him.

May we be able to give all that we have, to those who are in need around us. It may not always be money, but it may be a little love, a little encouragement, or a little help, in the midst of our busy schedule.


(picture from


Anonymous said...

I read this in the morning, and I wanted to try to give more today. But then I realised in the little things that happened today, I already failed to give...more if not all I could. How can God entrust me with more if I cannot give my all in even in the most little moments of life? So as I reflected over today...thanks for the little sharing of your testimony.


just a passer-by in this world said...
